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Showing posts from December, 2011

Chinese Fire Drill...

I now know where that comes from. The past two nights on our way home I have seen cars stopped with doors open at a red light, with people switching seats. They weren't racing or even in a slight hurry. I think they just thought to themselves.."I don't want to I am going to get in the back seat." haha anyways...I started laughing remembering as a kid friends talking about a chinese Firedrill. Its just ironical that i am in china and actually saw one.

3 years and counting...

Newly weds. During our first two years of marriage, every time Jeremy and I hugged, kissed, or laughed with each other, people would look at us with a funny face and explain "OH, you two are just newly weds!" We would then share a polite laugh with them. But inside, I didn't like being called felt as if they were saying we weren't really  going to be that happy, it was just for right now. Now, even after 3 years, we still get that comment. Just the other day in the office as Jeremy and I were quoting "Christmas Vacation" and "Dumb and Dumber" lines...Merwin was laughing and said the "newly wed" line. But to my surprise I didn't get frustrated, but rather delighted to see that after 3 years, we still got what it takes! I have always known we have something special! I can spend every moment with J and never get tired of him. He makes me laugh more than anyone else, he plays my stupid games, and loves me like crazy despite my...

~Happy 2012~

Even though I am "in the other half of the world" as Grant would say, I was still able to take part of their New Years Eve "PJ& cookie" Party! Grant and I played super heroes and tickle fights,while dad and Wesley played with the stinky feet baby, and mom supervised and laughed with us all! It was so wonderful to be "windy woman"the super hero and to be apart of their lives! Skype is a blessing and so is my wonderful family! Thankful for you guys this 2012!

Christmas Lovin'

PJ's picture Christmas Morning! New puffy vest lol My mom takes care of me...and gave me "target red" lipstick ;) Small group friend's package of love! New water bottles and Nike shirt- small group package of love Here is a recap of Christmas boxes and gifts! Thank you ALL for loving us so well!! We don't have the words to thank you for the amount of time and money you would spend to help us have a great Christmas here in China! We loved all the gifts and feel loved! 

Christmas Morning

This Christmas was our first away from home. Knowing it was going to be difficult the Merwins invited us over to experience their family Christmas with them! What a blessing it was! We arrived to see a beautiful table decorated in christmas plates, christmas strawberries, and french toast casserole that was to die for!! We ate as a family and then sat down around the tree as Stephen read to us the story of Barrington Bunny. This was the first time I had read the story of the bunny sacrificing himself to save the life of the mouse, but it had both Kellie and I in tears. What a great way to spend Christmas remembering the Son's birth and death for our lives! Jeremy then read the birth according to Luke...and we began to open gifts. It was a great morning and it was a lot of fun to be apart of and see other family traditions. Reading of Barrington Bunny This was his favorite toy! One present and he was content...wish we could learn from him! In front of the Merwin's T...


This is a common thing in the states, but from the look on the Chinese....they probably have never seen or heard of the tradition. We had so much fun though! We sang to all the Merwins Family connections around their block. The Noodles man, the Muffin man, the flower lady, the egg lady, and not to forget the fruit stand! What a wonderful way to spread Christmas Cheer on Christmas Eve!

Marching Band

I woke up on my anniversary to my loving husband telling me to look outside....this is what I saw! He claimed he arranged a marching band to wake me up :) hehe Even though this was not the case, having this wake me up was not only a laughing matter, but a made for a very memorable anniversary!

Christmas Cheer!

Christmas Cheer... Surprises so Dear... Makes us so happy... We'll pose for you Here!

What was His first word?

Every time I read the word I feel like I add to the list of the many questions I would like to be answered someday. Today as I was reading the true meaning of Christmas and trying to really see it happening, it got my mind a tickin'. He was a baby, a toddler, he crawled, he pooped, and he had to learn to talk just like us all. I wonder...what do you think was His first word? The sunday school answer in me, wants to say his first word was probably "amen"..or "healed"...but you don't see many babies saying that.  What if his first word was "toe" or "potato"? haha I don't know what it was, but I really enjoyed playing with that thought in my head!


Have you ever met someone who has a great laugh? I lived with Alodie,who is well known for a loud contagious laugh. I remember times when she would start laughing, and then she would laugh at her laughing...and then we would all go down hill from there. I love those moments! Silly, stupid....laughing! Kellie, one of my teammates has one of those laughs. Jeremy and I both secretly try to bring up things she will find funny for that purpose. Today at team time, Kellie and I both got the giggles...over bread?! I don't know why, but it made my morning! Its hurts your face, makes you cry, and sometimes gives you a head-ache, but laughing is probably one of my favorite things! I was very thankful for whatever Kellie and I drank this morning!    Children are known to laugh a great deal more than adults: an average baby laughs around 300 times a day compared to an average adult, who laughs around 20 times a day. Laughter has been shown to lead to reductions in stress hormones s...

Bump into..

I was grocery shopping two days ago when walking out of the store I was tapped on my shoulder. Behind me was my friend. At my hotel there is a lady that is always working the counter, so every time I make any baked goods I take her some. I love smiling and waving at her! She has even given me some bananas in return :) Alice, (I gave her that name) noticed me in the store and came to say hi!! Even though we can't talk, she is my friend and now China doesn't seem so incredibly huge! I knew someone :)


Tonight I had the girls and leaders from my seeker study group over to make and decorate Christmas cookies! They had a blast! They were so creative! They made hearts, kitty cats, and an apple, in honor of Steve Jobs. :) We made them to take to our Christmas Party this Tuesday Night! They are excited to show off and share their beautiful cookies!

How about that Croc

Kids. I love them. I always have. The Merwins have 3 kids and one on the way. Both Jeremy and I have really connected with them and find such joy in spending time with them. Yesterday at our team meeting, we got off on a tangent and started talking about the largest crocodile in the world. I began to mention the fact that they found a human body in the crocodile, when everyone gave me the “shut up face”, I then noticed Miles (the 6 yr old) wide eyed…. I quickly changed the subject, but could tell miles was chewing on that thought. Later he made his way over to me and in a very serious manner began a conversation with me. “ Mrs. Majors, I was wondering if you would play ping pong with me? …..And maybe while playing we can talk about that croc! I have never talked about a croc and played ping pong before…..maybe we can try!” Needless to say, I started laughing. First, because there is no ping pong table, and second that he wanted to talk to me about “that croc”. It’s the little thing...

Low Position

One of my constant requests is that the Father would help humble me. This is scary to ask but I hate having a pride filled heart. Tonight as I sat listening to the sisters leading the new seekers in a study I began getting frustrated with the fact that I can’t understand what they are saying. I was frustrated that I was not the one sharing, that I was not the one getting the chance to lead some more girls to the Kingdom. I was journaling and lifting up the girls and their study as I normally do, when it was revealed to me that I was once again being prideful. I was frustrated that all I could do was lift them up and offer a house to meet in. I didn’t only want to be hostess I wanted to be a leader. What an answer. I have been asking to be humbled and he put me in a situation where I felt I was in a lower position than I would like, and I got to practice humility. Isn’t it crazy that even in sharing our good news we can be tempted to take those situations to make ourselves look good an...

Heart Break

I have been contemplating what to write on my blog lately. I am going through a time in the culture shock/stress phase that is hard to put into words. However, just the other day as I sat on the floor starring out the window the words came. Heart Broken. That kind of heart- ache that consumes your body, leaves you somewhat depressed and the pain is so real it feels physical. I feel like I just had a bad break-up. I was told Nov/Dec are going to be hard months, but I got through November and then …heart break. I am not sure why. But I have my guesses. The adventure of moving here and starting life here is over. I am officially here. I am living life in China. With that being said; now I am realizing that life in China isn’t easy all the time, I miss home and life there, and that living life here is going to be more of a sacrifice than I originally thought. Its not temporary. This is a hard realization. I think for the past 5 months I have been in survival mode. Knowing if I just pushe...

David Crowder

"Let Me Feel You Shine" This place is trying to break my belief But my faith is bigger than all I can see What I need is redemption What I need is for You for to put me back on my feet Wha ah ooooh ooooh oooh Wha ah ooooh ooooh ooh oh I swear I'm trying to give everything But I feel I'm falling, oh make me believe What I need is resurrection What I need is for You to put me back on my feet Wha ah ooooh ooooh oooh Wha ah ooooh ooooh ooh ohhh If I could feel You shine Your perpetual light Then maybe I could crawl out of this tonight If I could feel Oh let me feel You shine So beautiful and warm So beautiful and bright Like a sun comin' out of a rainy sky Oh let me feel You shine Oh, Let me feel You shine I lift the knife to the thing I love most Praying You'll come so I can have both What I need is You to touch me What I need is for You to be the thing that I need Oh let me feel You shine Your magnificent light Then maybe I coul...


Its official I have taught my last class of my first semester in China. On our last lesson I had the students in groups while reading the Story of Christmas, act out and interpret the story. Looking back I regret I didn’t have my camera. This was the sweetest yet funniest thing I have seen in China! The students had never heard the story of how Christ came to earth. Their interpretations of angels, Mary & Joseph, and the meaning of new vocabulary was hilarious! My favorite: Narrator: Then an angle appeared to Josep and told him he must go home to get a census. The actors: There is a King and the rest of the students are bowing down to the king. The King: “Quiet, Now..I am going to give you a CENSUS! (angry voice) Those bowing down: NOOOO…not a census!!

Brother Bro

During Jeremy and Merwin’s seeker study and unexpected student showed up (I will called him Bro). He had hit a low point and wanted to talk once again about becoming a brother. As it was getting late, Jeremy had to get the other students back to school and Brother Bro stayed talking with Merwin. We got a text later that night that Brother Bro missed the bus. He missed the bus because he was asking the Father to give him new life! Join me as we rejoice with the angels!!

Create, Learn, Grow

The smell of apple cinnamon fills the house as I write. My second attempt to make applesauce. Cooking has reached a new level since I came to China. The first time I made applesauce our hot plate, that I still don’t know how to use very well, turned itself up and while I was out of the room.. burnt! Nearly a fire….BUT never mind that, this time it turned out great! Create: I love creating something out of nothing and I love being able to serve others with it. The Father created the world….I guess I take after my dad ;) Learn: Lately I am trying to learn more about photography and computers. I like the idea of being able to capture moments that people would want to treasure. I have been blessed with a nice camera and computer and I would like to be able to use them to the best of my ability to help serve. I also really want to learn Chinese, I think that is a given though. Grow: More than anything I really want to grow as an individual. I want to grow in all areas. I don’t ever want t...