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Chicken Feet (GAPS continued..)

chicken feet

A Whole chicken?!
 I prefer the chicken neatly packaged. When the farmer delivered the chickens to my house, you can imagine my surprise!
It was a legit chicken! Thankfully, the farmer was nice enough to boil the feathers off, because I am pretty sure I would have given up right then and there! With two whole chickens stiffening up from rigor mortis in my hand, I did what any mom would do.
"Lucy, wanna help Mama?"

We looked on youtube. Watched a few videos and felt confident that we could prepare our chickens. Lucy was game. She was all about pulling out the organs and she learned about anatomy! 

Me- "Alright, now we need to take out the lungs." 
Lucy- "Yeah, that lady said the lungs were hard to get off. Come on out little stinkers. Mama, what is a lung?"

Not sure what I would have done had Lucy not been there to pull out the organs. Thankfully, I have grown up some since and can now gut a chicken all by myself. ;)

love my kitchen helper
The chicken was used to make chicken stock, chicken meat, and the bones were then used to make bone broth.


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