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And so it begins...( GAPS continued..)

meal prep
We set a date. We prepped. We even made a trip to Shanghai, to indulge in Taco Bell. It was go time.
Two days before the start day we talked with the kids and explained that things were going to change. Not only was their diet going to change, but our routines had to as well. No eating out, no Chinese food, and no school snack for Lucy. I gave Lucy some verses to help her when she was discouraged and we prayed that the Father would give us strength. 
We started documenting each day, but then stopped. After day two, we didn't want to remember what we were going through. 

Day One: I am not sure if you have heard of the term "Die-off", but its no joke! Our bodies were starting to detox. With absolutely no sugar, no grains, no gluten there was nothing for the bad bacteria to feed off. We were only drinking chicken stock and eating boil chicken. Our bodies ached. The kids were crying, because I mean... who really wants to drink soup for breakfast?
I knew the first few days were going to be hard. I had been warned. 

Day Two: Jeremy was literally in bed all day with flu like symptoms. The kids really did cry every meal and were starving.

Day Three: We had to move onto another stage. We needed eggs! We added eggs over easy to the diet. Lucy and Luke call them lava eggs because they liked exploding the yolks over the whites. Eggs may have saved the diet. Pretty sure, thats all my children ate. Jeremy, yup, he was still in bed. We had to take turns in bed. I was feeling horrible as well. The kids were still crying. I made detox baths for us all that night. Hoping to ease some of the discomfort.

Day Four: We moved onto another stage. We just weren't going to survive if we didn't add something else to the diet. We added meatballs. Made from ground pork, egg yolk, and salt. These were game changers! And still a staple in our diet today! We were feeling better. The kids were still crying at meal time, but we were all eating and getting full.

We decided to move through the introduction stages faster than originally planned. We got the advice that it was better to continue on the diet than to give up. After day four we were darn close to giving up. We didn't like what we were doing. We missed our normal food and we weren't sure it was actually worth it. So we moved through the stages in a week or so. We wanted to make it to the full GAPS diet. Being able to eat raw veggies, use seasonings, and eat fruit seemed like the best thing EVER!


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