Ever gone around digging plastic and cardboard out of peoples trash? Me either. Here, its a daily thing. People from the neighborhood will collect it, keep it, and then take a large load to a recycle center. Then that center, takes a larger load somewhere else. See below:
When people ask if Chinese recycle, I don't know how to respond. As individuals, they don't separate their trash, but others will go through it. So its kind of a yes/no. Jeremy and I separate our plastic and cardboard until we have a large amount, then dump it next to our outdoor can. We run inside to watch and count how long it will take the neighborhood ladies to come and fight over it. Watching someone dig through mine and others trash was hard to deal with and odd at first. However, now I see it as a good hobby for those who are retired. They are helping save the environment and earning a little extra money.
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