Our newest member of the team! Oliver Merwin is 1 week old and a bundle of joy! I love babies not to mention the whole Merwin family. This semester I have really been getting to know Kellie and her 3 (now 4) kids. Grady, who is almost 2, has been my little buddy. It is blessing to be apart of a family and be able to be an aunt and uncle over here! The Father really does provide for your every need, even if it is the need to wrestle with and make kids laugh!
Marry my daughter please. She is 25 and successful at her career. 5" 1' and 90 pounds. Smart, knows Chinese, English, Japanese, and German. Plays Violin, piano, and owns a car. Sound like a newspaper add? Its because it is. The paper and flyers you see here are from parents and grandparents trying to find their son and daughters spouses! These are people carefully picking their selections. I couldn't believe it....but what was crazy is that this went on throughout the whole park. I mean thousands of adds everywhere. I wasn't sure what I should think about it....but i found it very intriguing. How would you like for your parents to go the park every weekend to try to sell you to those who passed by?
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