First Holiday I will not be at home. I have a feeling this time next week I will be missing home pretty bad. It is funny, because thanksgiving was never one of my favorite holidays. Food was food, I hate being stuffed and lazy, and I realize now that I took my family for granted.
Now American food…sounds amazing!! Oh How I wish I could be so stuffed and lay around the house with family! Puzzles, games, and just spending time enjoying everyone! The team here will have dinner and we have found a place to order a turkey, but it won’t be the same without all the kiddos running around, grandma’s rolls, the boring thanksgiving parade, and my mom, dad, and sisters all around. This is an adventure we are on here in China, but sometimes adventures can be rough. I will miss you guys!
Thankful turkey love sent your way!
Marry my daughter please. She is 25 and successful at her career. 5" 1' and 90 pounds. Smart, knows Chinese, English, Japanese, and German. Plays Violin, piano, and owns a car. Sound like a newspaper add? Its because it is. The paper and flyers you see here are from parents and grandparents trying to find their son and daughters spouses! These are people carefully picking their selections. I couldn't believe it....but what was crazy is that this went on throughout the whole park. I mean thousands of adds everywhere. I wasn't sure what I should think about it....but i found it very intriguing. How would you like for your parents to go the park every weekend to try to sell you to those who passed by?
You will be so terribly missed... you are so terribly missed. My neck hurts right now from trying not to cry. :) I love you sweet girl. And this Thanksgiving, like every other, I will be thankful for you. :)