“Jiayou, jiayou!” The crowd cheered as the runners gave it their all dashing to the finish line. It was the sports competition day all over china. We went to cheer our students on and to have a good time!
This day was SO much fun! It was full of so many funny and cool China things. Here are a few:
- They will run in jeans and dress shoes.
- If one person owns some track shoes….everyone will take turns wearing them when it came time for them to race. (Americans would go buy their own)
- Near the end of the race your friends will start running along side you….cheering in your ear and ready to catch you as soon as you cross the finish line.
- At the end of a race….you are suppose to act dead. Well at least that is what it looks like. They just fall down and act like that was the hardest task ever to be accomplished! SO FUNNY! The friends carry them off and tend to their needs. ( I thought something was horribly wrong when the first girl did this, but after the next 10 did….I began to pick up on the trend)
- If you pose for one picture….you will be there for another 10 minutes posing for all the others running over!
- If you ask to eat lunch with them….you will find it difficult to hear a response amongst all the high pitch girly screaming! Haha
I fell in love with my job, my students, and the community here in China this day! I feel so blessed!
Marry my daughter please. She is 25 and successful at her career. 5" 1' and 90 pounds. Smart, knows Chinese, English, Japanese, and German. Plays Violin, piano, and owns a car. Sound like a newspaper add? Its because it is. The paper and flyers you see here are from parents and grandparents trying to find their son and daughters spouses! These are people carefully picking their selections. I couldn't believe it....but what was crazy is that this went on throughout the whole park. I mean thousands of adds everywhere. I wasn't sure what I should think about it....but i found it very intriguing. How would you like for your parents to go the park every weekend to try to sell you to those who passed by?
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