Do you like me? Did that impress you?
Do you need approval from people?
I have always struggled with this. In times when I feel lonely or lacking self- confidence, my reaction is to turn to people. I was reading in my study this morning about what the son of the Father was teaching about. In his teaching, he used the word poor. The meaning of poor, didn’t mean, “without money” but it meant “utter helplessness”. I wanted to share with you what Beth Moore said:
“… Like beggars we go from person to person with our empty cup crying “Can’t you add anything to my life?!” They may thrown in a coin or two, But when you shake the cup the tiny echo reminds us how empty we remain. Pretty soon the Father will bring us to confront the poverty of living on the alms of others, so that we may learn to feast on him!”
In reading this, I was convicted and challenged to not look to others but to the Father. My hope is that you to will join my in learning to turn our empty cups to the father and feast on his love and acceptance
Marry my daughter please. She is 25 and successful at her career. 5" 1' and 90 pounds. Smart, knows Chinese, English, Japanese, and German. Plays Violin, piano, and owns a car. Sound like a newspaper add? Its because it is. The paper and flyers you see here are from parents and grandparents trying to find their son and daughters spouses! These are people carefully picking their selections. I couldn't believe it....but what was crazy is that this went on throughout the whole park. I mean thousands of adds everywhere. I wasn't sure what I should think about it....but i found it very intriguing. How would you like for your parents to go the park every weekend to try to sell you to those who passed by?
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