Ladies and Gents, I am proud to tell you that today the grocery was a success! Grocery shopping has been a source of stress and frustration since being here. Which unfortunately leads to an empty frig.
Today I knew I needed to go shopping and I was dreading it. I called Rachel, our team mate, to see if she wanted to join me and I grabbed my list and we were off. To my surprise I felt like I knew what I was doing. I knew where all the things on my list were and I brought enough bags to help me carry them home.
The vegetable market came next. Now, this place is hard. No signs, no English, and definitely no awards for cleanliness or sanitary conditions. This is where the panic attacks normally begin. I walked in and all of a sudden, I remembered Chinese. I spoke a little and they understood. When they told me how much, I understood! I walked away with a full bag of fresh veggies, a clam spirit, and a rejoicing heart! Today I am praising him for my Chinese success!
Marry my daughter please. She is 25 and successful at her career. 5" 1' and 90 pounds. Smart, knows Chinese, English, Japanese, and German. Plays Violin, piano, and owns a car. Sound like a newspaper add? Its because it is. The paper and flyers you see here are from parents and grandparents trying to find their son and daughters spouses! These are people carefully picking their selections. I couldn't believe it....but what was crazy is that this went on throughout the whole park. I mean thousands of adds everywhere. I wasn't sure what I should think about it....but i found it very intriguing. How would you like for your parents to go the park every weekend to try to sell you to those who passed by?
Good job! It IS scary! Very proud of you.