After everything we were doing I expected immediate change. I thought/ wanted Luke to be healed in weeks if not days. This was one of the hardest struggles for me. If Luke wasn't getting better I felt as if the whole process was worthless. These were lies. I fought those lies with truth. Everyone in our family is learning valuable lessons and skills from this. Our bodies are benefitting from this. This is a process, it takes time. It Takes Time! we had to slowly introduce foods so that we could see how his body would react When the 8th week came I wish I could tell you that he was a completely healed and happy. He wasn't healed and he was still two. (terrible twos is no lie) What I can share with you is this: 1. His drool had almost completely stopped 2. His stools were loose but not diarrhea 3. He was eating every meal and his stomach didn't hurt 4. He ate veggies, fruit, and meat and no longer was a picky eater 5. He wasn't complaining about not...
Why the whole family? There was a lot behind that decision. My main reason was because I knew from reading the book, that the bacteria that Luke had was from me. Whatever bacteria I had I was passing onto my kids. I also struggled with anxiety, fatigue and dealing with postpartum depression from Lanie. I knew I could benefit from it. Lucy struggled with gross motor delays as a baby and vestibular integration issues. Lucy was also still dealing with sensory issues when getting overwhelmed. She would benefit from the diet. Lanie was breastfeeding and already showing signs of gross motor delays. Jeremy was dealing with fatigue, not sleeping well, stomach pains, acid reflux and frequent migraines. He was the wild card. I wasn't sure how he would feel about changing his diet. He is typically not a fan of diets. However, I knew that I couldn't do it without him and his support. Then there is just the obvious, it was easier. I didn't want to be making...