Have you ever tried to cut a two year olds fingernails? Its not the easiest task. My nephew Wes is called Wessy Messy for the obvious reason, that he is a mess! Into everything, not wanting to sit still, and of course finds a way to come back from swimming covered in mud. Just picturing trying to cut his nails makes me grin. Most young girls grow up wanting to paint their nails bright beautiful colors and try to avoid cutting their long nails. So I find it somewhat strange that I somewhat envied those toddlers or girls that had to cut their nails shorter because I haven’t ever had my own nails cut that I can remember. I am a nail biter. It stinks to have a habit like that. You can’t scratch backs, you hide your hands, and you feel stupid when you have your hand in your mouth chomping away. Ever since high-school I have tried to stop. I have had some successful attempts, but eventually they all get chewed off. The past 3 months I have had fake nails on. I did this to hopefully b...